
The Massive Disaster in Japan and Performing in Poland (4)

By the time I was writing this fourth part, I’d returned to Japan and recovered from jet lag.

I am still thinking seriously about what I can do for the victims of the great disaster, and what kind of action I should take. Both the Agency for Cultural Affairs and the Japan Council of Performers’ Organizations have called for support for the relief of disaster victims.

I too have said that I want to participate actively in that. I want to express my condolences to the families of those who died in the disaster and pray for the souls of those who died. As soon as possible, I want to support the reconstruction of the disaster area, and provide relief and comfort to the many victims. I’m thinking about starting such a plan together with artists from various genres.

There are serious problems now all over the world, and people in many places are suffering. People are materially and morally exhausted. Japan is facing something of an economic crisis. But most Japanese people think of Japan as a peaceful and stable country.

Many Japanese people are not satisfied with their daily lives. They want this, they want that. They want others to do this for them, to do that for them. They complain constantly and have endless desires.

It was in this social context that the massive earthquake and tsunami disaster occurred. I hope that, with their ability, Japanese will reconstruct the affected area, little by little.

But the situation in that area continues to be very serious, because of the nuclear power plant accident that happened at the same time.

From now on, it’s impossible for Japanese to lead a life of luxury. The economy is getting worse, and there are shortages of resources, including water, which is the basis of our life. Electricity, gas, and food cannot be supplied in sufficient amounts. Japanese people will be forced to lead a lifestyle of economizing and forbearance.

In this very difficult situation, which is like wartime, how will the people of Japan react? How will they survive? It is not other people’s problem. It is our problem as well.

I too must reflect about this. Now that the earthquakes and tsunami are over, I think that people in Japan should re-evaluate their lifestyle. We should re-examine our attitudes. This is a critical national emergency, in my opinion. Japan is suffering. Japan is sad.

In the past in Japan, people used to have the spirit exemplified in the saying, “Even if we lack many things, we should be satisfied”. To say this another way, people nowadays want to have more and more, and are never satisfied. People don’t feel satisfaction, and are only interested in their own desires. People are always striving for an ever more comfortable life. For a feeling of satisfaction. People who don’t know satisfaction cannot be happy. Their hearts are poor, tough, and pitiful. They are poor in spirit, have a difficult life, and are pitiful.

Let’s learn how to be satisfied. Let’s cooperate with an appreciative spirit. Let’s continue to live with a rich spirit, and let’s keep the light of hope in our hearts. Shouldn’t we change our spirit, and go forward together to a new world? Let’s live more cheerfully.

We cannot guess how much damage will result from now on as a result of the disasters, including the nuclear reactor accident. Hard times is coming for suffering Japan.

Together, let’s stand up to that challenge with Japanese people’s wisdom, effort, courage, thoughtfulness, kindness, diligence, sincerity, team spirit, patience, and so on, with a display of Japanese grace. Japanese people are excellent. Let’s use the opportunity of this disaster to recapture Japanese people’s grace. Japanese never give up. As soon as possible, let’s achieve the recovery. Japanese are never defeated.

Finally, in connection with the performance in Poland, I want to express my gratitude to the Japanese Ambassador and the staff of the Japanese Embassy in Poland; Ms. Bogna Dziechciaruk-Maj, Director of the Museum of Japanese Art Manggha; our interpreter, Viola-san; the American Consul and his wife; and to Matsuzaki-san and the other staff who took care of us throughout our stay and helped with the performance; and to the President of ID, Funakoshi-san, and to the Chief Operating Officer of Sumi Company, Nakayama-san, who sponsored the performance. To them, and to everyone else who helped us, I express my deep appreciation. Thank you very much.

Tsuruga Wakasanojo

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